Thursday, October 14, 2010

More Thrift Store Finds!

Okay, I'm addicted to thrifting. That's become pretty apparent by now. Last week I went to the St. Vinnie's "Dig and Save" which has clothes for a dollar a pound. And've gotta dig, through huge cardboard boxes that are not remotely sorted. Worth it? Yes. If you're not a seasoned thrifter, the Dig and Save just might scare you away, so shop there at your own risk. Here's a couple of my finds. And in case you're curious...I bought 3.80 pounds worth of clothes.

This one's my favorite. It's a polyester JCPenney top from some other decade...I'm not sure which.

Although I think it looks better with a belt (a red one would be better), and best with a jacket.
I also found this great Western shirt.

This brown sweater has so little going for it: ugly color, shapeless, too big...but I can use the upcycling and refitting practice- and for literally pennies, it was worth a go, especially because it's super soft and cozy. You can expect to see more of this guy. If worse comes to worse, there's some great tutes for sweater leg warmers out there!

And of course, I can't turn down a cardigan.

That's just a few of the finds. I also nabbed a red dress that's super ugly but has some promise, and a few other things to practice my sewing skills on. I've been so inspired lately by Grosgrain's Thrift Store Thursday and Verity Clothing's projects that I can't wait to rip apart a few things myself. And if they don't work out, well...I'm sure I'll be thrifting again soon!


  1. I am a huge thrift store fan! I even have a post I need to put on The Frugal Free Gal--on some toys I found for my daughter. :) I love scoring great things on the cheap!

    following from the blog hop. cute shirts and sweaters, you are talented!!

  3. i just LOVE finding cute stuff at thrift stores. it's like finding treasure. your finds are great...i love the red cardigan!

  4. Great finds! Is that store in Madison? I used to be up there a lot when my husband lived in Janesville and I would have loved to shop there. Maybe we'll be up there one day and I'll have to stop by...
